
Your gift is truly important to those served by MDS.

You can make a significant difference in someone’s life – right here, right now!

You can make a secure donation online right here using a credit card, debit card or PayPal.

If you prefer, you can send your donation by mail to:

Monadnock Developmental Services
Attn: Development
121 Railroad Street
Keene NH 03431

Monadnock Developmental Services, Inc. is a registered 501(c) non-profit organization, Federal Tax ID 02-0369974.

man standing in a field holding flowers

Here are some of the ways we have put your donations to work:

Thousands of people with developmental disabilities and acquired brain disorder in the Monadnock region have a lifelong need for support – getting proper medical care, finding a secure place to live, learning safe behaviors, finding appropriate work, and finding a community within which to create a meaningful life.

Monadnock Developmental Services makes sure those services and supports are in place so that people with disabilities can live and work in their communities. Just as importantly, MDS makes sure that each and every person receives quality services that encourage inclusion, participation and relationships.

Much of what MDS does is funded by Medicaid and the State of New Hampshire. However, emergencies and needs frequently arise for services or items that aren’t covered by such funding, things that are critical to making the lives of those we support more manageable, including:

  • Specialized equipment – to improve mobility and communication
  • Home modifications – to allow movement, participation and freedom
  • Respite emergencies – for when caregivers themselves need assistance
  • Emergency dental work – for adults who are only covered for extractions
  • Much-needed therapeutic activities

As you can imagine, the needs are important – and costly. Your contribution will go a long way toward helping buy medical items, provide home modifications, allow much needed extracurricular activities so that those with disabilities can find their place and make their own contributions in the best way possible.

With your help, and the help of families, friends and the community, we can take care of these critical needs so that those with disabilities can find a way to live more productive and meaningful lives.

How MDS Puts Donations to Work (PDF)

Planned Giving

At Monadnock Developmental Services, the care and support we give to those with disabilities is life long, beyond any one individual’s lifespan. Our goal is to help people with disabilities live meaningful lives – today, tomorrow, and into the future. When you make a planned gift, you are providing for the critical needs of those who follow. What are planned gifts? Planned gifts allow you to integrate your charitable, family, and financial goals, and express your personal values. Planning ahead to include charitable organizations can ease the tax burden on your loved ones while allowing you to leave a legacy.

Making a planned charitable gift usually requires the assistance of a knowledgeable advisor such as an attorney, financial planner, or CPA. Planned gifts can be made with cash, but many are made by donating assets such as stocks, insurance policies, art, real estate or business interests—the possibilities are endless. Planned gifts can provide valuable tax benefits and/or lifetime income for you and your spouse or other loved one.

The most frequently-made planned gifts are bequests made through your will. Other types of planned gifts include designating an organization as a partial or full beneficiary of a retirement account, insurance policy or similar asset. We do recommend that you work with a knowledgeable advisor as you make plans for your legacy. And we hope you’ll consider Monadnock Developmental Services in your planning. 

Mountain and Sun from the MDS logo with no text or background colors

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